I'm so Angry at Myself for Gaining Weight





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Have you ever jumped on the scales and no matter what you’ve done the weight keeps creeping up?


If your fist response is anger then panic you’re not alone. I’m going through my own body issues. I’m healthy but the weight just keeps on creeping on and no one knows why.

That feeling of angst in the pit of your stomach when you see the number on the scales can lead us into panic mode. I don’t know about you but thoughts of extreme diets, fasting, or regimented exercise runs through my head.

One of the hardest tips I find to follow and you might too is to not panic.

I fight this panic dieting mentality with all my energy and work hard on switching my mind over to gratitude.

When we come from a place of panic we may restrict food, take on a diet, plan crazy exercises, make bold statements and plans like days of fasting without an entry or exit plan.

These tough times when you are feeling strong emotions are the BEST times to train your brain and rewire old thought patterns.

Try this the next time you feel panic;

Take a deep breath.

Then think of all the things that you are grateful about your body and being alive.

I’m grateful for the body I have it gets me around everyday.

I’m grateful I have my arms and legs.

I’m grateful I can do yoga.

I’m grateful my body is strong

I’m grateful for my curves.

Now I feel like honouring my body rather than punishing it for doing what it needs to right now.

Now I feel like giving it the best superfood smoothie rather than starving it of key nutrients.

Now I feel like doing a gentle yoga rather than a stressful run.

How are you honouring your mind and body today?

If you would like to explore this topic further check out this Instagram video post I made that talks you through it.

After my mini freak out about gaining weight I was able to calm myself down be grateful and think rationally.

I whipped out the Green Smoothie recipe book and made the Avacardo Smoothie. It felt so good to nourish and honour my body rather than starve it or stress it out. (can you see the photo bomber?)

Green Smoothie Recipe


½ Cup Pineapple chunks
½ avocado, diced
1 cup (2 handfuls) fresh spinach
½ cup of coconut water
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1 frozen banana
If you don’t have a frozen banana you can use fresh and add some ice if you like.


Place all the ingredients into a blender and blitz until combined and smooth.

It tastes so good! I like to add superfoods into the smoothie so I get a great boost in the morning.

Super food Suggestions: Maca Powder, spirulina, hemp seeds, chia seeds

If you are having a day like mine or like this recipe I’d like to give you the whole book for just 2$ (normally $19.)

To get your copy for $2 simply click the image above and go to Instagram, like the post, and leave a comment (follow us too if you want) the instructions are on the post.


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