Can Hypnosis Help with Motivation






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Besides weight loss, Motivation or lack of motivation is the next most popular questions my clients ask.  They feel unmotivated, they’ve lost their mojo and want to know if Hypnosis can help.

Can Hypnosis Help with Motivation?

A 2015 study used hypnosis as a tool to increase motivation and self-confidence in patients who stutter to do abdominal weightlifting exercises at home without an instructor. The purpose of the hypnotherapy sessions was to increase motivation, alleviate anxiety and boost self-confidence. The study quotes “The pre- and post measurements were found to be statistically significant (p<01.01)” Meaning the results are highly reliable and a significant difference. Also noting that the control group who did not have any hypnotic instruction during the 8-day study made more mistakes than the group that stuttered.

Another example of how hypnosis can help with motivation was demonstrated by a 2012 study that used hypnosis on anxious patients. It showed that Ericksonian hypnosis techniques can reduce procrastination which suggests increased motivation while also decreasing the level of stress and anxiety.

Let me explain further

Does Motivation Hypnosis work?

Hypnosis for Motivation works by helping you change your habits, behaviors and belief systems around motivation, self-confidence, success.  It helps you focus on what success looks like for you and helps bypass limiting beliefs you may have about your ability to succeed or any secondary gains to not be successful.

Hypnosis Motivation works with but not limited to:

  • Speeds up automatic habit-forming
  • focuses our attention on the actions or steps that lead us to success
  • Re-enforces and creates automatic healthy behavior
  • Connects you emotionally to your why and intrinsic motivation
  • Finds the part of you that was exciting about the change in the first place and keeps that from and center
  • Helps the mind believe you already have success so you behave as if you are already are successful
  • Removes roadblocks like negative self-talk that leads to procrastination

But there’s more

What is motivation according to the brain and body?

Motivation is known as the process that guides, initiates and help maintain goal-directed activities and behaviors. Motivation is our intrinsic feeling to act, it may be a small task of getting up and drinking water or something big like achieving your dreams.

While taking a closer look at motivation, this process is not as simple as one thinks.  Motivation includes, psychological, biological, emotional and forces of cognition to activate positive behavior in a person.

This you need to know!

What exactly lies behind Motivation

What exactly lies behind motivation is a separate question. There are different theories by psychologists that can help explain the whole cycle of motivation.

These include:

  • the intent theory,
  • humanitarian theory, and
  • drive theory.

But the reality still points toward multiple factors steering one’s motivation up or down and if those factors are Intrinsic or extrinsic motivators.

What is the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

Extrinsic motivation comes from outside an individual. It is not subjective rather objective. These can include social recognition, trophies fame or peer praise.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within. A sense of personal gratification ensues if a person achieves something. Intrinsic motivation is stronger than extrinsic motivation as it needs no external benefits.

Understanding is important in many areas of life may it be home life or work life. You may want to set a certain reward system to motivate those who surround you or yourself.

Knowledge of factors that guide the aspects of persistent motivation are part of psychology that is employed domestically or industrially. This is an area where there are many myths but if someone has true knowledge, it can benefit everyone.

It’s the little things that matter

Lack of Motivation may grow from little unmotivated habits

We hear this all the time that “I do not feel motivated to do this”. Most people here refer to the simple day to day tasks, like:

  • cleaning the house,
  • doing the washing
  • emptying the dishwasher
  • studying and
  • taking care of one’s health.

It also happens with a lot of us that we start a new task that we have given up before and now we think we will stick to the routines, we make plans but after a week or so we start losing motivation and before anyone knows we are back where we started.

To understand this problem we need to dig deeper and know about components of motivation so that one can diagnose where you went wrong.

But there’s a catch

Why not give it a try, see if hypnosis is right for you, its FREE and you can cancel anytime no questions asked

You need more than a desire

Anyone who has a goal (may it be weight loss or running a triathlon), they know that just having a desire does not mean one will succeed in achieving in it. Achieving a goal needs constant motivation, the endurance to keep going forward and persisting in spite of any obstacle life throws your way.

The three major components of motivation:

There are three major components of motivation master all three and you can find your infinite source of Motivation;

  1. Activation
  2. Persistence
  3. Intensity

Activation: this includes the decision to initiate a goal and having a firm plan to pursue it.  What this means is you have to first make that decision to change then work out how you can achieve it.

Persistence: this encompasses a continued effort towards a goal despite any obstacles.  For example, when a person is trying to lose weight, there will be days where you will want to indulge in old eating habits but keeping your will strong will help keep persistence in your diet.

Making a decision to change and knowing your deep-seated reasons for change, not just what we say on a surface level, but really connecting on an emotional level to your why will help keep your will and motivation strong.

Intensity: Intensity means the concentration and hard work which goes behind achieving a goal. For example, one student might not be studying very hard while others may be studying every night.

Understanding that the push for conscious intensity can be replaced by automatic habits.  Once you push yourself to work at something, say, on a daily basis, the daily action becomes a daily habit and this daily becomes an automatic routine you no longer have to find that energy for or struggle with the daily fight. 

But first, beware

Why does demotivation happen?

There are three main reasons why demotivation happens

  1. Psychological or real organic biological reasons.
  2. Psychological issues
  3. The fixating of our biological rhythm

Let’s explore each one

  1. Psychological or real organic biological reasons.

There could be a lot of reasons behind this endless cycle of demotivation. It could be because of psychological reasons or real organic biological reasons. A person might be losing motivation because he or she might have some undiagnosed learning disorder or attention deficit disorder.

 They would have been consistently reprimanded for poor performance and motivation in academic life or otherwise but the real reason was never diagnosed.  These people themselves, without any exception, will think of themselves as demotivated and lazy. This reason is often overlooked and people are blamed for poor motivation instead of offers of help.

  1. Psychological issues

Another reason for long-standing demotivation can be due to psychological issues. What was an adaptive mechanism at one point in life can become a reason for distress?

For example, early on in life one may wish to do minimum work and this happens a lot so it becomes a coping mechanism. Later in life when increased motivation is needed, one cannot find the motivation to do extreme tasks and fell victim to one’s own psychological barriers.

This is one of the major reasons why the loss of motivation occurs in most college students. In this situation, there is some activation and the person wants to be motivated but cannot find the persistence to do so.

  1. The fixating of our biological rhythm

Another reason that is behind loss of motivation is the fixating of our biological rhythm. The human body is really complex. Although it is highly adaptive it will always resist change in the beginning.

If a person has been demotivated most of his life, his body adapts to work in a specific limit. As soon as he works harder, his mind will tell the body to feel weak hence the person will complain of fatigue, loss of energy and so on.

This is the reason when you decide to make a big change in your lifestyle and pursue a specific goal, your body will try very hard to resist this change and bring you back to old habits.

In addition, the brain will get overwhelmed when you have to think of every step in order to pursue a goal and try to shut down. If one is not persistent, this will cause a person to lose motivation and revert back to the old life. Scientists believe that this is one of the main reasons why a person cannot fulfill all three components of motivation.

Picture it this way

Success people have mastered motivation

Whenever we look at the successful people of today’s life, there will always be one common trait in their character without exception. Even if you take successful people around you, they will share the same trait. That trait being, motivation. Some will call this passion, but passion is something completely different. Passion is the fulfillment or enjoyment a person finds in pursuing something. On the other hand, motivation is an action. Motivation means the difference when you talk about something you want to pursue and actually go on to do it. , of course, comes in handy and helps sustain motivation.

Here are five simple steps that can help you achieve nonstop motivation:

  1. Your why matters!

Your why has the most important part of staying motivated. What is your why? Why do you want to pursue something? What is your final goal? You need to have an absolutely clear game plan in order to start a new task. You should always have the end in your sight so you may never lose hope. Psychologists believe that the reason behind a goal can either make it or break it.

One should always make it clear to themselves that what this goal importance is in their lives. What they can achieve they complete it or what will they lose if they cannot. Studies show that all this thought process helps a brain think in a positive manner and motivates a person consistently. Reasons are always important, for example, if you have a health issue and want to lose weight, your health is motivation enough to go to the gym every day! Therefore if you feel unmotivated after a few days, this could be the reason for your non-sustained motivation. A clear mind with a solid goal in sight always helps a person achieve the daily grind needed to achieve something great.

  1. Block all steps but one:

Whenever a person thinks about a new goal, he has a lot of steps in mind that are needed to be done on a daily basis in order to achieve it. If your mind isn’t practiced to do so, it can get overwhelmed easily.

This feeling of overwhelmingness, especially in the beginning is very toxic and hinders a person from achieving even the smallest of goals. You should learn to block extra thoughts from our brain.

Psychologists recommend that by blocking all the things you have to do and just focusing on a day to day basis what’s needed to be done can help a person achieve nonstop motivation and achieve their goals.

Therefore before starting any new activity, a little time spent on laying out all the steps that are needed to be done and having a strategy to only focus on steps at hand will help you achieve your final goal without losing motivation halfway. This is one of the key points to achieve motivation.

  1. Showing some flexibility:

Not everything goes according to plan all the time. Or more like things go to plan rarely. There will always be some points a person might have forgot to take notice of.

These things when coming suddenly in front of a well-laid plan can throw a person off the track. A person should always have some flexibility in personality and plans in order to succeed at something.

Life will always throw curveballs at you and you need to be ready or you will get hit in the face (pun intended). What we mean by this is, have a plan, work on it diligently and step by step but always have room for some changes if needed.

These changes can even help you achieve your goals in a more timely fashion and effectively. That is why being flexible can help you stay motivated. If you do not show flexibility, things might not go your way and you can fell off track. This will cause you to lose the daily motivation as you would not have been ready for any new change.

  1. Clarify your goals:

If you have fallen victim to procrastination for an extended period of time, your motivation levels will be blinking red. This might reflect a misalignment between what you are currently doing and what you first sought out to do.

This is pretty common because, with time, each of us evolves in our way and sometimes we outgrow our goals but still keep doing the same thing. This leads to loss of motivation with time.

This is because as we evolve, our goals do not evolve to reflect that change leading to demotivation. It is always better to take a small break, go on a vacation or any place you like and rethink how you want your life to change.

What do you really want to achieve, are your current goals in align with your personality as of now or do you need to make some changes as you grow as a person.

  1. Stop overcomplicating stuff:

Our minds complicate things when we are passionate about it. But that doesn’t mean you just have to give in to that thought process and overcomplicate things.

You might be waiting for the perfect time and but keep finding different excuses. This leads to never achieving anything. Perfectionism is important but to an extent. Perfectionism can become the biggest reason for demotivation and lead to procrastination.

Other Questions you might have

Can Hypnosis work for Motivation for success

A 1993 case study used hypnotherapy approach combining success imagery and RET on musicians who had performance anxiety, symptoms of stress and anxiety when performing that affected their playing and performance. With the use of hypnosis and RET, 81% of the musicians in the study recorded a significant reduction in symptoms by almost 50% that they attributed to the 2-session treatment and continued use of the program. Patients claimed a reduction in symptoms and side effects of stress, along with an increase in the feeling of success in their performance.

Does Self Hypnosis work

A 2019 study of an integrated method of coaching and self-hypnosis on the maintenance of blood sugar levels in diabetics found that, in just 4 short weeks, participants in the control group who received the coaching and self-hypnosis method significantly decreased blood glucose.  They went on to say, coaching and self-hypnosis can also be used for non-communicable diseases prevention and management programs.