Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice



20 minutes – MINUTE READ


In this episode we talk with NLP master trainer and mind master Stephen Woolston on how to conquer your critical inner voice & stop the negative self-talk. 

I do hear a lot of clients talk about feeling stuck or that their efforts just plateau. 

If feeling stuck or plateaus happen to you then you are definitely not alone and below I will tell you one of the biggest reasons why this happens and its soooooooooo not the reason you think it is. 

We often think that our efforts are what keeps us stuck or in a plateau. Sure this can be a reason, biological factors can also play a part but one of the biggest factors I see is the critical inner voice and negative selftalk, that naggy b!tch that is constantly at you and it’s not just to take out the rubbish or fold the washing. 

Sometimes we can be so in our heads that we create this word that doesn’t exist that keeps our minds constantly focused on the things we don’t want, and if you’ve seen our law of attraction episode you will understand this is bad booboo bad. 

So what now Jodi? 

Well!! Arnt, you glad I love you guysI enlisted the help of a Jedi NLP mind master Stephen Woolston to help us understand the thoughts we need to be careful of, what to do with the naggy b!tch when she rears her hair roller, fluffy slipper wearing self and how to reframe the thoughts we don’t want into the life we would love and really want life and happiness to be about. 

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